How to keep your body wavy lace wigIs there any way

How to keep your body wavy lace wig?Is there any way?

Body waves are the most popular texture in human hair wigs.Many black women want a long long hair big wavy hair,So human hair wavy lace wigs become the first choice.The body wavy texture has a loose wavy curl hair,Like a large S shape, it has a natural sheen and looks fluffy and fashionable.The body waves look natural and create a soft and natural wave.And the maintenance cost of the body wave is not very high.Curly hair has a natural wave feel, so many people want to use the final product to achieve a different wave feel.Body waves are easy to rebuild.Body wavy hair can be straightened.You can also use different curling tools to achieve different curls.The wavy curls blow in the wind and make you look more attractive.

However, some customers often complain that their body wave hair does not stay wavy or frizzy after washing.In fact, it depends on how you care for your wig.Now, Grawwhair will teach you how to keep your body wavy or curled.

Don't worry about straightening or loosening after washing. First, wipe your body wavy wig with a clean towel instead of a hair dryer. Don't blow dry your hair completely. It is easy to damage hair. Then let it dry naturally until there are no drips, but it's not completely dry. Apply some conditioner to your hands and evenly coat your hair.

Once you have oiled the body wavy wig,Your fingers will run gently through your hair from top to bottom.You don't need a lot of hair oil; you just need to get more natural on the top of the wig.The waves need to be held better from start to finish.Then the waves and curls of the body will become more beautiful and curly.

The next step is to fix the body wave can on the hair Apply some curly setting cream or mousse,Because it is very useful for restyling.Apply mousse evenly to hair.You don’t need much mousse on your hair as it absorbs dust easily.You can also spray water and mix in a curl-defining cream on your hair.

Let your body wave hair air dry completely.Don't blow dry your hair, preferably with a wavy or curly hair dryer.This keeps the waves and curls well.

Don't forget to deep-condition your body wavy wig every two weeks.This process is designed to provide nourishment and moisture to your hair and avoid dryness.This keeps your hair in good shape and avoids tangles and shedding.For body wave hair color, our Grawwhair has 1b/30ombre color, red, 613 gold, etc.For body wavy wigs, we have many types, such as body wavy full lace wig, body wavy short bob wig, body wavy 13×6 front lace wig, 13×4 front lace wig, body wavy 360 lace forehead wig, HD lace wig, etc.

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